Saturday, August 22, 2009

My favorite blog ...

There are many blogs that I have taken interest in and follow. Most pertain to artists and what they provide to the art industry. There are others that I follow that deal with media and media-related topics.

The blog that I have chosen to use is Shannon McCollum's Work. I have had the opportunity to work with Shannon in the past and have been inspired by his work. Referred as ''the Gordon Parks of Hıp Hop'' Shannon McCollum is both a phenomenal person and great photographer. I love following his work as he evokes a creative side in me when it comes to my work.

One of Shannon's pieces that stood out for me is the picture featured on the home page for his blog spot (the picture at the top with the woman). This picture brings to mind strength, beauty and the power that women possess. This pıcture encouraged me to explore greater depths as a photographer and push boundaries. I then did a session with one of my schoolmates which produced a picture of similar quality and reflected the influence he has had on me.

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