Saturday, August 22, 2009

About me ...

My name is Danielle Ashby. I am a Mass Communication major and Spanish minor at the University of West Georgia. I am from Trinidad and Tobago (for those that do not know where that is, it is in the Caribbean). I am a freelance photographer and have done various jobs for news organizations, non-profits and even members of the performing arts. I previously worked as a sub-editor for the Trinidad and Tobago Guardian for 7 years.

During my downtime or not too busy moments I keep myself involved with non-profit humanitarian work. I am currently a member of STAND -- A Student Anti-Genocide Coalition -- a division of GI-Net (Genocide Intervention Network). I lend a hand to these groups to raise awareness to the public and also lend a voice to those that have been suffering from the atrocities that have been going on worldwide. Other organizations I have done work for are: Youth V.I.B.E., WDGA, Workforce Development Global Alliance. Both of these organizations focus on uplifting youth and empowering them with knowledge to become leaders in society.

I registered for this class because I am always open to new ideas of approaching the masses. Being a self-employed photographer I need to become familiar with various means of advertising my work and getting my name out to the public. I am also interested in this class because many organizations are incorporating the use of social media. In order to fully adopt this form of networking into my lifestyle I need to become fully adept to the goings-on of this form of media revolution.

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