Friday, September 18, 2009

Social Media Making Traditional Media Irrelevant?

I have chosen the video CNewsClip as my video from YouTube. There are two reasons this clip is relevant to me.

The first is that I worked at the Trinidad Publishing Co. for the Guardian newspaper and I was wondering how social media would affect the work environment for both my colleagues and me.

The video explores the intricacies of social media and how it may be incorporated in the newsroom.
Interviewed in this clip is Mark Lyndersay, Trinidad Guardian Tech Reporter, who happens to be my cousin. I thought that it would be cool to post this video to this blog as it is something that is relevant to this class and also because it features someone that I hold dear to me and also look up to in the news arena.

The second reason the clip is relevant to me was previously mentioned... which is that it is relevant to the material that is beeing covered in this class this semester.

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